DNS Hijacking

                 DNS Hijacking with 000webhost and Afraid

  • 000webhost account
  • Afraid.org account
     -Login to your account.
     -At List of your Domains , click on Go to CPanel 

-Scroll down and click on File Manager

-Upload your deface script as index.php into the public_html folder

-Do not forget to delete .htaccess and default.php 

    -Once you have login, click on Subdomain and Add a subdomain
-You will see a form, choose Many many more available

-Now click on Shared Domain Registry

-You will see a lot of domain. You can pick any site as target, or search for specific target such as .gov,.edu and more.

  -After that, you will get Add a subdomain form. Fill the form as below and save.

-If success, you will see something like this

     -Go to Parked Domain

-Paste your target in the textbox and click on Park Domain.

  -That's all! Now go to your target URL and check if it's defaced. It needs a few minutes to make changes. If the site still not available, try another. :)